1-888-215-HHH2 (4442) info@harmonyandhopehca.com

Modern Slavery Statement for Harmony and Hope HCA


Harmony and Hope HCA (“we,” “us,” or “our”) is committed to upholding ethical labor practices throughout our supply chain and preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement sets out the actions we take to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in our business or supply chain.

Our Policies

We have a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to:

  • Complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Reviewing our suppliers’ practices to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.
  • Taking steps to address any identified risks of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Providing training to our employees on modern slavery and human trafficking so that they can identify and report potential issues.

Supplier Standards

We require our suppliers to:

  • Uphold ethical labor practices in their own businesses and supply chains.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Allow us to audit their practices to verify their compliance with our standards.

Risk Assessment

We assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain based on factors such as the country of origin of goods, the type of goods or services provided, and the supplier’s size and structure.

Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence on our suppliers before entering into a business relationship with them. This due diligence includes reviewing their anti-slavery and human trafficking policies, as well as their practices for identifying and mitigating risks in their own supply chains.


We provide training to our employees on modern slavery and human trafficking so that they can identify and report potential issues. This training covers the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking, as well as our procedures for reporting concerns.

Reporting Concerns

We encourage employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any concerns they have about potential modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain. We have a confidential reporting process in place to make it easy for people to raise concerns without fear of reprisal.


We are committed to transparency in our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. We will publish this statement annually and will update it as necessary.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this statement or our approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, please contact us by email at info@harmonyandhopehca.com or by phone at 1-888-215-HHH2 (4442).

Effective Date

This Modern Slavery Statement is effective as of June 4, 2024.

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